Jumat, 20 September 2019

My Weekly Journal #14 (IELTS-Speaking : Agreeing and Disagreeing)

Hi everyone..

Today, we're going to discuss about Agreeing and Disagreeing.

The examiner will give you questions about your opinion, not a fact and then they will ask you "do you agree with this opinion?"

These questions must be opinions. Of course, when we are asked "do you agree?" or "do you disagree?", We have to answer the questions with:

- Yes, I agree
- No, I disagree

Is it ok for us to say that we kind of agree but we also kind of disagree?

Definitely yes,  and you could use phrases like this:

Partial Disagreement Phrases:

  1. I can see your point, but... (talk about what you disagree with)
  2. I agree with that up to the point, but... (I disagree with other things -- talk about what you disagree with)
  3. I kind  of agree with that ... ( I disagree with other things -- talk about what you disagree with)
You can also just give them a basic general statement like "Well, I agree with some points of that, but some point pf that I disagree with"

So, what is really important here is that you are giving a clear first option so the examiner could know what you are talking about. Are you talking about one side (agree or disagree) or are you talking about both sides (agree and disagree). It make a big difference because you may have grammar probblem, vocabulary problem and pronunciation problem; but if your answer is not clear right away, the examiner is really having a hard time figuring out "what are you answering", "will you be explaining something" because your main idea is not clear.

Total Disagreement Phrases:

  1. Honestly, I absolutely disagree with you because...
  2. Honestly, I totally disagree with you because...
  3. I'm afraid that I disagree with you because...
  4. I'm sorry, but I can't possibly agree with that because...
The reason why you agree and disagree with these phrases are you can talking about cause and effect logic.

For example:

I hate IPhones because they are expensive and have a short battery life. As a result/therefore, I prefer Samsung.

You can talk about cause and effect in multiple ways here:

Eating fast food leads  to diabetes.
A lot of children eat fast food. As a resul, this leads them to have obesity.

Okhay.. Hopefully, it can be useful for you guys.

See you on "My Weekly Journal #15"..


Jumat, 13 September 2019

My Weekly Journal #13 (IELTS-Speaking : Hypotheticals)

Hi everyone..

Today, we're going to discuss about Hypothetical.

Hypotheticals are very important when it comes to part 1 and part 2 speaking. When we are given a hypothetical question, they are signalling that they want a certain kind of answer. They are signaling that they want a certain type of grammar here. That's very important that we understand hypotheticals.

What is a hypothetical?

A hypothetical is an imaginary situation. If we are talking about the future, It's an imaginary situation. What you need to pay attention to hypothetical will be dealing with the modal verbs "would/could/should". you might hear these questions in part 1 speaking "would/could/should" like "would you ever ride your motorbike without your helmet? It is a hypothetical question.

You even might get hypothetical question in the past. 

How do we use hypothetical question in the past?

We talk about things that we would do. When we talk about things that we would do, we need to signal that we are talking about things in the past; and you're talking about things that you did a lot in the past. For example, you might say:

I had a lot of fun when I was a kid. My friend and I would often go to the beach, and sometimes we played football. Occasionally, we would go to the movie.

So what I am saying "we would often go to the beach : we would go to the movie"

I'm using the same modal verbs that I am using for the future tense, but I'm using them in the past. I'm signaling that I'm taking in the past. It's a very useful grammar structure because you are talking with the examiner about things that you did a lot in the past.

When it comes to the part 2 speaking, if the examiner gives you a hypothetical question, they are going to ask you to talk about the future.

Do you live in an apartment or a house?

I live in an apartment. 

Is that a good answer? Of course, not.

what should you say?

I live in a big apartment with three classmates on the corner of... (much better).

I've been living in a big apartment with three friends on the corner of...

Which is the best room?

My favorite room is living room. I like it more than my bedroom. There is a television in the living room, so I am a lot less bored when I spend time there (comparison).

What would you like to change? (Pay attention to the modal "would")

I would change the color of my walls

I'd paint my walls

I'd build a bookshelf

I'd buy a big television

Okhay.. Hopefully it can be useful for you guys.

See you on "My Weekly Journal #14"..


Kamis, 05 September 2019

My Weekly Journal #12 (Sample Answer Outweigh Essay)

Hi everyone..

Kali ini aku mau share sample answer untuk tipe soal advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The number of people who live in the apartments is increasing rather than living in the housing.

Do the benefits of this trend outweigh the drawbacks?

Sample Answer:
Living in the apartment is believed that it can offer efficiency of life especially for the newly wed couples compared to staying in the housing. However, those young couples are more likely to become independent family when they decided to live in the housing.

On the one side, majority newly wed couples prefer to live in the apartments since they feel more efficient to handle their routine family's duties such as repairing and maintanance of electronic equipment, monthly gas and electrical bill, and also cleanliness services. Those help facilities are currently included in package that young married couple receive from the apartment's management. For instance, some of apartments management command service charges to the occupants that will be collected once in a year to cover all the services. The occupants do not have to pay per month and visit several public facilities outlet. Therefore, they can save their time efficiently. In contrast, residential life is more complex than apartment life. Young couples who prefer to live in housing will face the more complicated problems in taking care of household matters. For example, when they have to take fully responsibility to deal with the demage of one of the electronic devices in the home.

On the other side, one of the housing benefits is that make the occupants become more independent. It is because, they will do their home duties without helping from others. For example, for paying the electrical bill, they need to visit the outlet regularly every month by themselves. That means, one of the drawbacks of living in the apartments is the occupant's behaviour will more likely to become spoiler than that families who live in the house. That is to say that some parts of their family life are handled by the apartment's owner. For example, the occupants will never know how to manage their own monthly expenditures for gas and electricity usage. 

In conclusion, even though living in the apartments is more efficient for the newly wed couples, the young couples who live in the housing are more likely to become the independent families.

Semoga bermanfaat ^^

See you on My Weekly Journal #selanjutnya^^


My Weekly Journal #11 (Advantage-Disadvantage Essays)

Hi everyone.. 

Sebagaimana yang telah kita bahas sebelumnya, writing task 2 itu terdiri dari beberapa jenis soal. Salah satunya adalah Advantage-disadvantage essays. Nah, kali ini kita akan bahas itu yah guys..

Advantage-disadvantage terdiri dari 3 tipe essai:

  1. Advantages-disadvantages
  2. Advantages-disadvantages with an opinion
  3. Advantages outweigh the disadvantages
Apa sih perbedaan antara ketiganya? Baik. kita ulas satu persatu yah.
  1. Pada tipe pertama, kalian hanya perlu memberikan pendapat terkait advantage dan disadvantage suatu background. Boleh dengan menuliskan hanya satu ide untuk setiap sisi, ataupun menuliskan lebih dari satu.
  2. Pada tipe kedua, selain memberikan poin advantages atau disadvantages, kalian perlu memberikan personal opinion terhadap keduanya juga pada bagian kesimpulan.
  3. Pada tipe ketiga, penulis akan menerangkan hal mana yang lebih dominan antara advantages atau disadvantages suatu mosi. Hanya saja, pada  umumnya, tipe soal jenis ini selalu dimengagkan oleh sisi disadvantages.
Today's Question

Some people think that computer games are bad for children, while others believe that they are useful. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computer games and give your opinion.

Sebagaimana instruksi yang diberikan, selain mengemukakan advantages and disadvantages, penulis harus ampu memberikan opini.

Mari kita mulai menyusun paragraf demi paragrafnya:
  • Paragraph 1 : 
    • Background : Some would argue that video games are not good for kids, while others would say that they can provide some benefits.
    • Thesis : While games can improve children's language skills, I believe that they result in children not exercising and becoming overweight.
  • Paragraph 2 (Body Paragraph 1):
    • Topic sentence : The main advantage to playing computer games when a person is young is that it exposes young people to foreign languages in an authentic context.
    • Explanation : This enables them to practice a second language in real life which is much more enjoyable and productive than the classroom.
    • Example :  For example, teenagers in Asia can chat to American and British people while they play online games like World or Warcraft.
    • State if you agree or not : Despite this, I believe that this encourage children to lead a very sedentary lifestyle which can lead to poor health.
  • Paragraph 3 (Body Paragraph 1)
    • Topic sentence : Playing online games for extended periods of time means that children to do very little exercise.
    • Explanation : This leads to obesity related disease, such as diabetes and heart disease, later, in life because they become obese. 
    • Example : For example, it is estimated by the WHO that children are now 30% more likely to be fatter than kids due to the fact that they now prefer to play indoors rather than outside where they are more likely to get exercise.
    • State if you agree or not : I believe that this makes over consumption of video games dangerous and they should only be used in moderation.
  • Conclusion (Paragraph 4)
    • Restate the thesis : In conclusion, although computer games can help children improve their linguistic ability, they also prevent them from getting enough exercise and they should ld therefore only be used springly.
    • Suggestion : Where possible, some serious consequence should be taken into consideration.
Nah itulah tadi penjelasan dan sample answer yang mirip. Semoga bermanfaat ^^

See you on My Weekly Journal #selanjutnya^^
